Turning billions of everyday devices into the Internet's crowd storage layer

Turning billions of everyday devices into the Internet's crowd storage layer

Strong, private, connected data. And you hold the key.

Autonomi will redefine our relationship with technology and turn the traditional business models of the web inside out.

The Autonomous Network

The Autonomous Network

A next wave of decentralisation, that will return control to individuals. Not just power over identity, social connections, or financial transactions. But direct control over the data that underlies it all.

A next wave of decentralisation, that will return control to individuals. Not just power over identity, social connections, or financial transactions. But direct control over the data that underlies it all.

A next wave of decentralisation, that will return control to individuals. Not just power over identity, social connections, or financial transactions. But direct control over the data that underlies it all.

What it means for Business

What it means for Business

Escaping Cloud Costs

Escaping Cloud Costs


Infrastructure Free Development

Infrastructure Free Development


No Personal Data

No Personal Data


Net Neutrality

Net Neutrality


What it means for People

What it means for People

Individual Data Autonomy


Permanent Storage


No Tracking, No Manipulation


Inherent Data Portability


For a New Economy

For a New Economy

Built for Scale


Privacy Enhanced Design


Data Built in


Content Addressable Payments


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The decentralized network, run on everyday devices. Self-encrypted, quantum secure, lifetime storage.

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The decentralized network, run on everyday devices. Self-encrypted, quantum secure, lifetime storage.

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